Things to Consider Before Keeping Backyard Chickens

Things To Think About Before Getting Backyard Chickens!enter image description here

00:00 Here are a few things to think about or not do before you get backyard chickens. You need to research. Can you even have chickens in your area? Do you live in the city? Will you need permits? 00:11

Are there ordinances? Check those things out first. I would set up your brooder prior to bringing those baby chicks home. Get their brooder nice and warm. Make sure you have plenty of feed, water,

00:22 and you want to have a chicken first aid kit just in case something goes wrong. If you live in the city,

00:33 you're probably not allowed to have roosters. So you wanna go with sex chicks and not straight run. If possible,

00:43 buy local. Ask your local chicken keepers, where do they get their chickens, their chicks? Seek out a local veterinarian, if at all possible and if that's what you want to do hi you say hi okay bye now you're ungrateful him ever pick yourself up a copy of Gail Damerow book the chicken health handbook valuable resource full of all kinds of information for chicken keepers start building your coop right away Those babies,

01:16 well, depending on your area, in the temperatures, they're going to be fully feathered out between 8 to 10 weeks. This is when they would normally transition to a bigger brooder box or outside. I started with one coop.

01:28 I now have eight coops, a quail run, a maternity ward, and two ghost pens. Yeah, chicken ass. Determined, what is your purpose for keeping chickens?

01:39 Do you just want eggs do you want a dull purpose which is meat and eggs or do you just want companion chickens breeds do well in your own area and be mindful that high production hens they do not have that great of a lifespan a shameless plug for a will with the wonder hands podcast which i am the host of we interview chicken keepers from all over the world and they have lots and lots of great chicken keeping

02:06 tips. Lastly, spend a lot of time with your chickens. Spending time with them, you create a bond with your flock, and be prepared to fall in love. Okay,

02:17 that's it y 'all. Or not. Don't anybody tell you what to do.